Final Fantasy VIII Remastered: New Features!
“For Squall’s gunblade, something light would have done just fine, like a bamboo sword. But we actually made something heavy, out of metal.” – Yoshinori Kitase
“For Squall’s gunblade, something light would have done just fine, like a bamboo sword. But we actually made something heavy, out of metal.” – Yoshinori Kitase
“Iwao, like my own father, has a firm and unwavering heart. He’s also a man that doesn’t run, lose, yield, give up, is never shaken by anything, and is honest.” – Hiroshi Fujioka
While the story is certainly not devoid of anime tropes…it’s easily the best written and thought out story that the modern series has seen so far.
If you found Dark Souls too obtuse or frustrating, you’ll probably think the same thing about Nioh.
Obviously the lighting effects were redone and assets were re-rendered for HD consoles, but the improvements go even further than that.