Early Game and Comic Gaiden: Kana Urasawa
“But honestly, there hasn’t been a single moment up until now where I haven’t been engaged with anime or games.” – Kana Urasawa
“But honestly, there hasn’t been a single moment up until now where I haven’t been engaged with anime or games.” – Kana Urasawa
Even though they are obviously getting older, they want to show everyone that they’re not to be underestimated, and still have plenty of fight left in them.
Though it’s no masterpiece, Macross was certainly a higher quality Arcadia release than Gundam.
Since the game sprites don’t actually resemble their Gundam series counterparts after the head on title screen, many believe that this was a slight re-skinning of a previous Arcadia title.
I can’t recommend that anyone buy this, or even bother playing it, unless they are a Bastard!! super fan or a fighting game historian.