The Legend of Korra

Legend of Korra - Title Screen

In the end my biggest problem with The Legend of Korra may be that I played it after Bayonetta 2

Bayonetta 2

Bayonetta 2 - Title Screen

The best compliment I can pay Bayonetta 2 is that I had more fun with it than I did playing any other video game in a very long time.


Bio Hazard Remake - Title Screen

So much of what makes REmake great is not necessarily graphical or audio improvements, it’s what is done to manipulate the familiar.

Bio Hazard

Bio Hazard - Title Screen

So what is it that really made this game click with so many people?…mainly it’s how you’re able to play so efficiently through the game once you figure it out.


Gradius Famicom Title Screen

There are plenty of other changes that had to be made to accommodate for memory limitations of a cartridge in 1986 though.