Psycho Break

Psycho Break - Title Screen

At its core, The Evil Within really tries to be three separate games at different points: Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid.

Biohazard HD Remaster

Biohazard HD Remaster - Title Screen

As if these differences were not enough, the one that made the biggest impact on me was the introduction of a non-tank control scheme.

Phantasy Star Nova

Phantasy Star Nova - Title Screen

Phantasy Star Nova is essentially Sega letting tri-Ace run with Phantasy Star Online 2, with the guidelines that it must be story and single-player focused.

2014: Ahhhh! (Too Much To Play)

Bayonetta 2 - Star Fox Costume

I think that the lesson I’ve learned this year is that I should perhaps spend a little bit more time actually completing the games that I buy when I do buy them

This Hunting Life


The Hunting Action part of my brain obviously takes a few years to fully reactivate after it turns off.