Rensuke Oshikiri PC Engine mini Interview
“I raced over there as fast as I could,.. the shortest route there would have been almost 20 kilometers long! That’s how much I wanted a PC Engine!” – Rensuke Oshikiri
“I raced over there as fast as I could,.. the shortest route there would have been almost 20 kilometers long! That’s how much I wanted a PC Engine!” – Rensuke Oshikiri
“There was this trick to reduce noise that involved putting two ash trays from the arcade on the radio cassette player to create more electrical resistance!” – Ikeda Minorock
“It was a rather drastic modification…I remember the guy being in charge of that telling me he was going to kill me!” – Yukiharu Sanbe
“As soon as the song started I really felt that this was elevating the game experience for me to the next level.” – Masayoshi Soken talking about Daytona USA
“I lost sleep getting the platinum trophy on the RE:2 remake, so I’m sure the same thing will happen when 3 comes out. That’s the sound of me screaming with happiness.” – Gojira, Freelance Writer