Game Center Chronicles Part 2


The location test that Ikeda remembers surprising him was The King of Fighters ’95. It brought in 50,000 yen all on its own, and he was floored by the amount of people who showed up to play it.

Game Center Chronicles Part 1

Mikado Takadanobaba Location

Mikado has even been a venue for weddings, fashion shows, and pro wrestling matches. It’s a legendary arcade that opened in 2006.

Get Over – JAM Project The Movie Review

JAM Project The Movie Featured Image

Even though they are obviously getting older, they want to show everyone that they’re not to be underestimated, and still have plenty of fight left in them.

Game Center CX: Staff Writer Kibe’s Challenge

Kibe and Arino

Now jobless and depressed, he was faced with having to feed himself on an extremely low budget… Seeking any sort of thrill he could get, he rode the train two stops over…as luck would have it, he found a used game shop.

How to Buy Japanese Concert Tickets Overseas

Tokyo Dome

There are a couple of different services that act as a proxy to buy tickets for you, but it’s important to note that they cannot do anything for you if the concert you want to attend only accepts e-tickets.